Removed the X-axis bracket, and surprise, its filthy.
Y-axis way, before shot.
Y-axis ways, after a lot of carb cleaner and shop rags. You can still see the scraping marks, so I hope that means my gamble paid off - in spite of some rust and grime it looks like this mill got lots of lubrication while it was in service.
Table after going over twice with a razor-blade scraper, twice with carb cleaner and shop rags, then painting up good with some Chevron Vistac #68 way lube.
Resolver/Tach drive setup with cover removed
Lifting the knee up as high as I can to clean the bottom of the Z-axis ways and mill base as best I can
Cleaning out the sump. It was disgusting and nasty and took about 4 hours to get reasonably clean. I gave up on trying to get nasties and chips to overflow, since the mill was lifted up on the wheeled base I drilled a hole in the bottom of the sump, drained all the oil out, then simple green'ed and pressure washed the inside of the sump, and plugged the hole with a rubber compression/expansion plug.
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